Sunday 28 April 2013


When researching into sushi, and different fillings, I thought the best place to start was looking at sushi bars in Leeds. As I was unable to actually go and visit any sushi bars myself, as it would be far too expensive to buy every type there is to draw, I spent some time on the Sushi Boy (sushi delivering service in Leeds) website where I drew their food on sale, looking at how I can create one model and change it's texture to create different foods.

From this I looked at more complex food, which would need modelling separately, but could be resized to make different objects.

Colour is a major component in this module, and getting the right vibrancy and variation is really important for my game level, so using markers I experimented trying to get over-exaggerated tones.

I then did a few sketches of how these could be turned into chairs/stools.

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