Friday 3 May 2013

Friends With You

As a huge fan on the FriendsWithYou collective, I was so intrigued when a link to one of their interviews popped up on my twitter feed. Next to this article was yet another link to their work, but this time in a form of a video interview and look into their studio, which is the video above. Having not seen the people behind the work, let alone a behind the scenes into where and how they work, I was so excited and blown away by their process and the large body of work they have behind them. I think what makes their company so strong is the positive messages that they like to put forward in their work, and by making their work interactive to the public makes it stand out even further. The simplicity of design and colour palette often makes their work deemed easily recreated, and in some ways unoriginal, yet they manage to capture so much personality in their designs that I couldn't help but fall in love with their work. If you are interested in illustration, animation, sculpture, fine art, or performance art then I am sure you will find at least one element interesting in the video above.. it is well worth a watch (even if I am being slightly bias).

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